Career Choice For ITI Students


Job Refresher

. 3 min read

Just after the completion of ITI courses, a constant question troubles every student in which choosing the best career option becomes a necessity. Among all the job options that a student seeks for, practical skills become a mandatory requirement along with the degree.

Industrial Training Institutes not only provide theoretical knowledge but gives practical exposure to the students. They produce them the best career opportunities, that everyone desire.

Are ITI Courses Worth It?

ITI courses provide flexibility to all people who do not have access to big professional institutes. These ITI courses nourish people by providing them professional courses in both technical and non-technical trades. 

People from rural areas are able to access these ITI courses and thus do not have to migrate to big cities for learning courses. Women in backward areas who find difficult to give a thought about their career are provided with vocational training. 

These vocational trainings inculcate the skills in them by providing them a good learning environment. Like every other course, the popularity of ITI courses depends completely on the students.

Opportunities After ITI

Practical skill is the major requirement for any trade. A person with good qualification degree but no skills are not suitable for any job. It depends on person to person how they represent their skills in the market. Walking up to an interview with a resume full of degrees is just not enough.

The main focus is on how one can become an asset to them. A person who knows how to carry out the work practice is always the best suited.

People think that ITI courses are losing their patina these days. But this is not true, the quality of ITI courses are becoming better. With growing employment market the opportunity for students who possess the write skills also increases.

Learning is important, but more than this implementing the skills that they have learned at the right place is very important. Any student learning any ITI course has two paths. One that leads to job opportunities and the other to higher studies.

In recent years it has been noted that students who do ITI hold greater opportunities in jobs rather than people who hold a higher academic qualification.

Higher Education After ITI

There are several engineering diploma courses provided to ITI students who undergo ITI training either in engineering domains or technical trades.

  1. While ITI courses introduce each subject, diploma courses inculcate both theoretical as well as practical knowledge of that particular domain.
  2. Advanced Training Institute (ATI) provides several short term courses to ITI students who want to furnish their skills for any particular job profile.
  3. These courses are followed up by training in the domain. Companies in today’s era demand for candidates who can exhibit their skills than the expectations.

Certification Choices

After the completion of the ITI course, students can go for All India Trade Test that certificates the ITI students. Students who pass AITT are certified with National Trade Certificate which is nearly equivalent to any diploma degree.

Let's Look Into The Scenario Of Jobs

Not just in private companies, ITI students can also secure government jobs. They can also get good jobs in other countries. There are placement offices that are concerned about the placement and ensure that every student must secure a good job.

Sectors For ITI Students

Public Sector in government such as BSNL, IOCL, ONGC, etc required people who inhabit high-quality skills. ITI students are best suited for these jobs as they are trained in a practical learning environment. Companies such as

  1. Hindustan Copper Limited (HCL),
  2. Oil and Natural Gas Corporation (ONGC),
  3. India Post looks for students with high school qualification and ITI.
  4. These companies provide a good working environment and a healthy salary for livelihood. Many companies demand fresher candidates with sound practical skills.

Not just the public sector, ITI students can also work in private sectors that provide career opportunities in various fields such as textiles, agriculture, energy, etc. These private-sector jobs are trade specific and look for skilled people.

Let's Create Jobs

There are people who find interest in employing people rather than working on a salary. For such people,

  • ITI gives a career opportunity to its students.
  • ITI students are the best entrepreneurs as they have much practical exposure and know-how to deal with the problem.
  • ITI students are best suited to start their own business and become self-employed.

Not Just In India

It's not just India where ITI students can get exposure. Companies in abroad recruit ITI students for blue-collar professionals. These jobs demand associated services and problem solvers who can work best in specific trades. You need not worry about your career if you are an ITI student. In fact, these days ITI students are in high demand.

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